Day 1 - Overview of Blockchain
Day 2 - Hyperledger Deep Dive
Day 3 - Ethereum Deep Dive
Day 4 - Corda Deep Dive
Day 5 - Development and Deployment, Industry Use Cases
Day 1 - Overview Of Blockchain
Key topics:
- History of Blockchian
- Rise of Ethereum
- Building blocks of Blockchain:
- Decentralization
- Consensus (POW,POS, PDFT)
- Cryptography (Security)
- Provenance
- Immutability
- Finality
- Data integrity
- Blockchain hands on demo
- How Blockchain works
- Block, Hash, Lifecycle of a Blockchain
- Blockchain Actors – Developer, Operator, Regulator, User
- Business Network Topology – Regulation, Stakeholders, Entities, Infrastructure Providers, Decentralized Storage (IPFS etc.)
Day 2: Hyperledger
Key topics:
- Intro to Hyperledger (Understand the overall key concepts of Hyperledger)
- Learn how to set up your development environment for running and writing
- Membership, Blockchain, Transaction, Chaincode
- Features, Chaincode, SDK, Ledger, Privacy through Channles, Membership Services, Assets, Consensus
- Peer, Orderer, CA
- Build own network
- SmartContractsChaincode, Chaincode API, How to write ChaincodeLabsession
- Realizing the Architecture Transaction, Ledger, Nodes, Peer,Endorser, Ordering Nodes, Channels, CA, Transaction Flow, Lab session
- Genesis Block, start Ordering services, Create Channel, Sign blocks, make peers join Channel, Introduction to Explorer Composer and Playground
Day 3: Ethereum
Key topics:
- Introduction to Ethereum
- Learn how to set up your development environment for running and writing SmartContracts
EVM, Account Types, Transactions, Ether Transfer, Gas, Gas Price, Block Structure, POW, State transfer, Merkle- Patricia Tree
- Basics of Solidity
- Internal Functions, External Functions Smart Contract Constructors Constant Variables
- Setting Variables Events
- Web3js, Truffle, TestRPC, Ganache, Remix, Metamask
- Connect and Interact with Smart Contract Environments
- Smart Contract event handling
Day 4 - Corda
Key topics:
- Introduction to Corda
- Learn how to set up development environment for running and writing CorDapps
- Corda use cases
- Understand how to model shared facts and agreements on the ledger
- Contracts
- Use test-driven development
to create smart contracts controlling the evolution of the ledger
- Transactions
- Learn about the transaction lifecycle, and how transactions are used to propose ledger updates
- Flows
- Use our flow testing framework to develop flows allowing Corda users to automate common business logic
- Corda Node
- Learn how the node is designed, what it can do, and what it can’t.
- Learn what services/APIs the node offers
- Corda Network
- Understand how a Corda network is structured and how data flows between nodes on
Day 5: Project and Industry Use Cases
Key Topics:
- Hands on Project on Hyperledger or Ethereum
- BFSI use cases
- Healthcare use cases
- Insurance use cases
- Automotive use cases
- Agri tech use cases
- Public sector use cases